The aim of the course and blog is also to introduce and discuss how business students can find suitable virtual networking tools and build up cross-border communities of practice to support their business and career.
Student homeworks describing international networks that are useful for business students for knowledge sharing, for identifying international career paths and international business opportunities are posted to this site. Homework should be1000 -1500 characters (not words!). 4000 is in this weblog max limit for the comment format but be shorter! It should be very informative text.
I recommend that each network overview could be structured in the following way:
1.Name of the network,how to access it (URL of internet-based networking tools)
2.Aims and functions of the network and/or the community in this network
3.Added value for business students
4.Some example, how the author of the posting or his/her friends have used or can use the network or community inside a larger network for business transactions, developing a new business or for acquiring business-related knowledge.
Please send your homework as a comment to this post following the deadline specified in the Canvas assigment. Be prepared in the second class to demonstrate the network you have described and to comment briefly (5-7 minutes) your homework. If you do not see your comment, the automatic spam detection for comments that has been enabled by Google software has sent you message to spam. But do not worry, I shall publish your homework in this blog if it is not spam :-) . Do not upload the same text again. But you can still think what are the words in your text that Google considers to be spam ....These authors of homeworks that do not log in to and send comments as Anonymous face higher probability that Google smam filter will direct you contribution to spam.